Baker Beach

Baker Beach
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The Story
"One of the coldest winters I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" - Mark Twain.
He wasn't wrong. On a hot July day in 2009 I picked up my brother Brendan from his home in the South Bay Area where the temperatures were pushing 90+ degrees. When we got to Baker Beach for this shoot, I swear it was at least 30 degrees colder and dropping. To get this shot, I waded into the water (in street clothes) about up to my thighs and held the tripod as stable as I could. From the bluff above the shore, Bren could see the tide rising rapidly. I squeezed off this one last shot before the tide could make me buoyant. Then we drove to Chinatown for dinner where Bren explained to me why that was probably a stupid maneuver. He wasn't wrong...
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Note: All metal prints will have any watermarks or protective markings removed prior to printing (including my signature). Prices include the print, mounting/frame, tax and shipping.